martedì 18 novembre 2008

Again it's long time since I wrote the last post, no such interesting events or thoughts in my life on one hand, no time to spend on the blog on the other. The latter means more social life outside home. In fact I started to play volleyball twice per week, and I went out for dinner twice. Moreover I am often too tired of pc working to turn on it again when I'm home.
Anyway I have some nice picture to show.
Two weeks ago I went hiking to Mt...I don't know, the geography of these places is still unknown to me. It's a mountain chain going north-south eastern then Lago Maggiore, and the italian-swiss border is on the ridge. I went up from Curiglia to Monteviasco by the cablecar, because otherwise I would arrive too late, and then I climb up to the main ridge. There was snow above 1500, and almost nobody, only goats. But the view on the lake was superb. Monteviasco is a really nice village, with all typical houses built with flat grey stones. I really enjoyed the sun and the autumn's colours, and walking and then be tired for this. I need to do more activity, for a longer time than one hour pilates class or 2 hours volleyball.

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