Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!!!
sabato 27 dicembre 2008
venerdì 12 dicembre 2008
mercoledì 10 dicembre 2008
this place will be perfect for swimming in summer. BUT WARNING!!! As we are in Switzerland, warning signs are very precise and are meant to terrify people by excessive realism. The sign we saw was warning people of dangerous currents at a certain point of the river, so that swimming was not allowed there. The interesting thing was the skull on the background, not the common symbol you can come across on any bleach container, but a picture of a real skull, like they were showing Lucy's remains..and the text: that is really perfect to avoid panic. "If you feel the current, it is already too late". It's a pity I didn't take a photo of it. The only explanation for this excentric sign is that we were on the "artistic path", as you can see below.
lunedì 1 dicembre 2008
martedì 18 novembre 2008
And here it comes the very news! I have just signed a new contract for the next three years!!
Anyway I have some nice picture to show.
martedì 14 ottobre 2008
E' tantissimo che non scrivo sul blog,
Negli ultimi tempi sto procedendo tra lavoro, analisi su analisi.., corsa, pilates, inglese.. stiamo avendo un bell'autunno, finora, speriamo che duri!!
sabato 27 settembre 2008
domenica 21 settembre 2008
venerdì 19 settembre 2008
domenica 14 settembre 2008
mercoledì 10 settembre 2008
Ho messo nel post precedente la panormaica da Scaredi, così rende di più che nella striscia laterale..
lunedì 8 settembre 2008
venerdì 5 settembre 2008
mercoledì 3 settembre 2008
..These two days in Valgrande were really fantastic. A full immersion in the nature since the first night. We arrived at the head of Valle Loana, before the last, steep 500m climb. We set up our sleeping bag under some beach threes, over a leaf bed, and with a view on the starling ski. It was already dark, so we lighted up a fire and we had dinner in front of it...the best restaurant in the world wouldn't be more satisfactory to me.
I woke up at dawn, then I slept again for half an hour. We were close to a small stream, and we used water to prepare tea and to wash ouserlves..the water temperature was freezing..
Then we started the path and it was really nice and well traced, it has been used for centuries to bring cattles on the medows.
Almost at the top of the ridge we found two houses that we mistook for the CAI shelters, but they weren't. It was the private house of a butcher, his cattles grazing in the area, and a stable. He and his friend were very kind and they offered us the warm of the fireplace (I was completely sweaty) and coffee, with alchool if you liked.
Inhabitants of mountainous areas are often told to be hostile and diffident, but these were not at all, as well as the other people we met during the crossing of the valley.
After recovering our energy we left and we reached the shelters at the top. Probably we wouldn't have found any place the night before because it was full of people.
Then we went downhill, meeting the white Piemontese cattles, and after that we reach a relative plan area where another heard was grazing, and where we saw a lot of damages produces by wild boars to the grassland. On the other slope we observed some chamoises. There should be a lot of them in the valley, but it was already warm and they were in the shadow near the rocks.
Again we walked downhill, down and down, in the forest, with the rumble of rivers close to us.. I couldn' think of doing again the same height gap uphill..
Finally we reached a wooden bridge on the river and we stopped ther for a while. ......(to be continued)
domenica 31 agosto 2008
lunedì 25 agosto 2008
giovedì 21 agosto 2008
martedì 19 agosto 2008
sono ormai tre settimane da quando sono tornata dalla Corsica.. buh!
comunque l'estate procede, con bagni al lago nella pausa pranzo ..cosa vuoi di più!
Due we fa ero a Arezzo. giornata di tuffi in piscina con Luca e Chiara, e poi tentativo di sentire i lupi, con Ago, Antonella e Emma. Poca roba, purtroppo..avrei tanta voglia di sentire un bel coro!!
mercoledì 6 agosto 2008
Come blogger sono proprio terribile! se continuo così a fare il resoconto sulla mia vacanza ci metto una vita. Infatti mi fermo e lascio parlare le foto.
l'ultima sera l'abbiamo trascorsa a Corti, che un fascino particolare, anche se un pò decadente, e dove si respira molto l'aria "nazionalista".
martedì 5 agosto 2008
sabato 2 agosto 2008
What I can say is that it was a wonderful experience and Luca and I enjoyed it very much!!
I will add a slide show of the best pictures on the blog, as soon as I can..
Brief resume in English, for those I know abroad.
but, always there is a but, the weather this year is terrible! It seems that all the rain in the world come to concentrate on Lago Maggiore! of course it rains on the week end or during the week after working time... very lucky, but I escape to Tuscany from time to time!!
giovedì 31 luglio 2008
lunedì 7 luglio 2008
Parlando di pioggia... oggi alle 2.30 è diventato improvvisamente buio!
La riva destra è Lombardia, la sinistra è Piemonte, e la parte nord è Svizzera.
La riva piemontese è più "bella" a dir la verità. Ma i disastri li hanno fatti un pò da tutte e due le parti.
piano piano arriveranno anche i lupi...magari..!